
Fiscal Intermediary & Agency Brokerage Services

Warren Washington and Albany ARC currently provides Fiscal Intermediary (FI) services for people enrolled in the OPWDD Self Direction program. We provide services to Warren, Washington and Albany Counties. This is a Medicaid funded program for people who have Developmental Disabilities and are enrolled in the Home and Community Based Waiver Services. WWAARC also offers Agency Supported Brokerage services to assist with the planning and management of your budget.

Self-Directed Services help people and their families to access and control their own services. With the help if an FI, people can work towards their own potential in ways that are meaningful and person centered.

For more information regarding Fiscal Intermediary Services, please contact Sarah Aison at 518-935-4311 or Email.

For more information on brokerage services, please contact: Emily Lovely at 518-935-4372 or Email.